
By lesmark

Hiker …

… enjoying his breakfast on the shore on a misty and cold morning as autumn descends on southern Chile. 

- extra: everywhere in Patagonia one finds giant rhubarb looking plants with massive leaves. It is known as “gunnera tinctoria”, is native to southern Chile and is in fact unrelated to rhubarb, but looks similar and has similar culinary uses, e.g. jam. These leaves are now looking quite autumnal, but the young shoots and flower stems are to be seen shooting up again underneath. 

It poured with rain most of the night and continued into the morning as we head out of Puyuhuapi. Our next stop along the Carretera Austral is Villa Santa Lucía where we will take a side track to Lake Yelcho for a few days hiking. This is a volcanic area with thermal baths. Glad I remembered my swim gear!

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