
I very much suspect that I have talked about Giuliano's on here before, but a swift recap. In 1997, I was working for Scottish Provident in Kendal, and our team required someone to attend a weekly meeting in Edinburgh. Really, it should have been my boss, Claire, but she had horses to tend to in the mornings, so I took her place.

I would get the train up just after seven o'clock on a Monday morning, and return on Tuesday afternoon, typically catching the train after a swift pint in The Tiles. Usually there would be other people from the Kendal office travelling, so the trip home often had a (wine-fuelled) party atmosphere.

But as I didn't know anyone to socialise with in Edinburgh, at least not initially, on a Monday evening, I would go out for dinner with my book for company, and I quickly settled on Giuliano's as my venue of choice. Indeed, I was such a regular that when I returned there with the Minx more than ten years later, the Maître d' recognised me!

This evening, we returned once again, this time in the company of Milly, who only realised when she was on the train up here for work, that we'd be in the same city. And so we enjoyed our wonderful, unscheduled dinner, and the food was just as great as it ever was :-)

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