St. Bride’s Well

… to be continued … perhaps…
Currently completely spooked up a steep (of the break your neck variety) spiral stone staircase, in a tower, on my own waiting for the ghost of King John. Phone not charging even though it’s plugged in and switched on … and I can’t lock the door.
Chances of sleeping…zero…

… continuing…
So, I survived!
As predicted, not a single wink of sleep but luckily I hadn’t googled the articles about it being very haunted!

I was staying at St.Briavels YHA and picked up two wells whilst there, St. Bride’s (blip) and The Ancient Barrowell.
No one seems to know why it’s St.Bride’s, possibly after St.Brigid, but the church in the village is St.Mary’s.

The castle is absolutely astonishing. I managed to find the Banqueting Hall which was away from the group of kids doing their DofE practice and the only spot with an electric fire so I ate my dinner (to the echoes of medieval banquets past) and was glad I’d remembered to bring some wine with me.

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