
By Topsyturvy

Still going

Flowers are extraordinarily resilient; these were 4 days in the post due to various delays and were supposed to be for Mothering Sunday!  They looked a bit sad and floppy when I opened them up but it only took a day or so for them to look happy. Amazing.

Berry and I had a walk up the hill at the back which is fine at the moment. Wait until May though, when the cows are back in there, and we'll have the big beasts tracking the smaller beast along the fence line which totally freaks Berry out. Currently, she's busy aggravating the rabbits - all part of the circle!

I spent a couple of more hours up at the golf club chopping back very overgrown shrubbery near the clubhouse.  There was another lady helping and between us we made it look a thousand times better! A few trips to the tip up the road and a bit of a sore wrist and I'm feeling very virtuous now. 

So virtuous that I think a G&T is in order ;-)

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