My friend gave me a ticket to this TEDx day... A long day with 18 talks and several performances. It was absolutely fantastic and thoroughly stimulating. Some really brilliant talks. Talks covered: the environment, racism, sex, unschooling, musicology, sacred spaces, breaking down barriers etc etc. Plus a gorgeous vegan lunch and healthy energy shots etc...
It made me wonder what I'd talk on if I was asked, what would YOU talk about??

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Letesia's generosity in inviting me along with her.
2) The thrill of hearing new ideas and discussing them with others.
3) A delicious dinner with Karen and Debbie - their last evening!

An extra one... 4) Asha looking sooo happy on all the photos her teacher has sent of the kids. They've done archery, kayaking, hockey etc etc today!

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