Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

We'd planned a visit to the flea market on Waterlooplein in the morning, but it was tipping down. We walked there anyway, but only four stalls had shown up, showing less interest than the three of us, so we wandered round the corner in search something better to do and stumbled across the Rembrandt House Museum. We hung around waiting for that to open instead.
Our trip has been planned to vary the attention, we hadn't wanted to spend any whole day indoors looking at art, but the weather has sabotaged that idea. That was the only reason the Rembrandt House hadn't made the itinerary shortlist, but here we were visiting it anyway. I wasn't upset.
The Big Plan of the day was some very precious tickets to a special exhibition at the Rijksmuseum, and on our way there we went past all the famous art dealerships. Blippo was beside himself!

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