Life Savors

By osuzanna

Virginia Bluebells

A friend had suggested we walk this morning on the other side of the Potomac in Virginia at a park called Riverbend.  It was hard for me to believe that after 44 years in this area, I had not been to this place.  It was overcast and quite cool, but there were excellent, scenic trails for a good walk.  Much to our surprise both sides of all the trails were carpeted in Virginia Bluebells.  It was quite magnificent to see.  I had heard about this early spring eruption, but had never seen it before.  Perfect for Flower Friday. 

The day ended with an outing to a pro basketball game with my husband.  I find basketball rather boring so always make sure I have something to read.  Generally the only excitement occurs in the last two minutes, so that's when I watch. 

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