
Not taken by me. In fact I was some 180 miles away, but as I'd not taken any pictures, this will have to do.

All 5 Grands up in Manchester. Hayley sent me this. I asked if they (Mums and Dads) were running away. They tried!!!

Really busy today trying to clear the house for the disruption to come next week. We went to make payment for bathroom. The salesgirl said "Are you happy?" J said "Very'. I said  "Not totally, but I'm sure it will be fine". "Not the answer I was hoping for". She said! LOL.

More decisions had to be sorted .... The extension at the back will be rendered, because we think it will look better than the bricks our house is built in. The dilemma is, do we stick with white bifold door frames and white window frames to match the rest of the house, or do we go for grey? Grey against render looks more contrasty and contemporary, but doesn't match the other windows. After much contemplation I think we will take the risk and go grey. I think If we go white, I will always think perhaps we should have gone grey? I actually think grey against pale render will look better than matching with the white windows. Eeek! This is harder than I'd have ever thought!

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