Further my skills

By H0tamer


Did I already mention this week that we had a lot of rain lately?
The Gersprenz grew from rivulet to river, from a regular 20cm to approximately 1,5m. The water depth, that is. Close to the max.
Of course the adjacent road (between our village and the next) is closed, because flooded (yes, where they plan to put a bridge).
And a smaller wooden bridge for pedestrians is closed too, although not yet flooded, just partly in the river.

Some days ago I read about a change in water management that will be needed (regular droughts, raising sea level, heavy infrequent rainfall). So what did they do this week? They being a company ordered by the organisation responsible for the Gersprenz and the Mümling (further eastwards)? A lot of wood (trees, branches) was slowing the river down, as was the riverbank. A bit like nature.
That can't be controlled, so must be changed, or whatever was decided. So, the river was cleaned from dead wood and the banks were straightened.
The result might be obvious. Whoosh, all that water flowed as fast as possible away.
The next drought will come, no doubt.

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