Astley Ainslie Hospital

Why is it that blips mysteriously disappear despite pressing the 'publish' button - especially after a long history has been painstakingly written? suffice to say, this is an abridged version of that created earlier.

On her way through Miss Flum noticed an unusual feature in the grounds of the Astley Ainslie Hospital, we looked up the old maps so she could pinpoint the location. It proved to be in a curious position relative to the original mansion, Millbank (the first among several to be incorporated into the hospital) seemingly in a 'notch' in a wall next to an elegant curve away from the house. We stopped on our way home from church, while the hospital was quiet, to see for ourselves, finding it in an area of trees and shrubs.

On first sight it appears to be ecclesiastical in design but not near known sites, also north-facing (away from the house). I found no direct reference in my go-to local history books by Charles J Smith but according to The Buildings Of Scotland 'In the grounds are several mediæval architectural fragments of fine quality', with suggested eccelesiastical sources.It continues 'Reset into the walls of an arbour are three large slabs with cusped loop tracery under crocketed ogee heads. On the richest (central and thumbnail) panel two shields have been given the date 1728. The ogee points of the shields and the loop tracery suggest the early C16'. It also makes reference to several very similar panels 'decorating the heads of niches in the wall beside chimneypieces' but without specifying where these might be found, presumably in Edinburgh old town.

Naturally, we will now be combing the grounds for those other 'fine architectural features' but don't hold your breath, they may be well-hidden or possibly, already noted by more informed Blippers.

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