All packed up ….

And ready to go. Moving day has arrived, and Jon is just over the moon.

We drove down on a fairly clear Bruce highway and made it in time for check in.

There were maintenance people doing a few things, so we just left them to it and started unpacking. I worked on the kitchen. It’s a fully furnished apartment, but we still had a few of our things to make it feel like home.

While we were unpacking, Jon had a call from his new boss to tell him that, as the new office was not ready yet, he’ll be doing his orientation/training in Sydney!!!!!!!!! He couldn’t believe it, or get his head around it.

Then off to do a big supermarket shop. Ben made us lunch while we worked. Then finally left to go to IKEA to get a small desk for his work station. Had 10 mins to get through.

Wow, what a day. Can’t believe he’s moved in! Still a little more to go, but he’s moved in. Tomorrow is final moving day, and that’ll be him … done! Not sure how I’m feeling right now.

And Jon has to plan to start work and meet his boss on the first day at Brisbane airport at 5am!!!!!!!!! He’s freaking out a bit … what an adventure.

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