Local Windmill, Hernen

A nameless but beautiful windmill.  I think I'll call it the 'Fool on the Hill' mill.  It was built in 1745 and still looks quite robust.

Yet another off-road specimen.  GPS directed me to a wooded area, and it is standing in a clearing next to the beginning of a walking path, facing what looks like a huge parking area fronting two estates.  Where I normally need to squeeze between alleys and residential blocks in the cities, here I could park anywhere and position the car anyway I wished.  The windmill itself is almost hidden as the clearing is about 200 metres from the backroad.

Wonderful hunting weather, but also housekeeping weather, and schoolwork weather, too.  The day actually began with some online chat with Guilford Guy, who is anxious to take over where I left off.  I also managed, finally, to finish the very last PowerPoint for the remaining lectures, and it's the longest one I've ever had to do.  There was just so much information that needed to be given, while I had to make sure it was all relevant and digestible and practical.  I think this is the Ellaphant at her teaching best.  If there is one thing I learned quickly, it is that it is easier to control a class if the teacher is organized.  I do my best to be 'in order' because this is what should be projected in class.

Began on a new colouring plate.  While I was experimenting with colours and combinations, I noticed that the plate itself has a design defect.  No idea if it was deliberate, but it doesn't have to matter.  I do wonder, though, if anyone will notice that when the whole thing is finished.  One can always make something pretty out of defective things.  Thankful for defective things being given the chance to achieve something in life.  Thankful for today's wonderful weather.  Thankful for patience and some self-satisfaction.

More hunting tomorrow!  After work is done, of course.

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