a little bit of rhubarb

By Puggle

I love a rainy night

Well, the grapevine tells me the sun rose and set, but I didn't see it personally. More rain, more squelching about in the cbd. I do love a good bit of rain at night, except when I can't be inside slothing about and enjoying myself with a cup of hot chocolate.

And outside is fine, as long as it's out in the open and I don't have to go and get on a train home and get weirded-out looks from people who can't stop staring at that soaked, bedraggled looking creature sitting opposite them. Give me a nice empty paddock or beach and heaps of rain and nobody else much around (or at least if anyone is around, they are also prone to running about like an idiot in the wet) and I'll count that a good night.

Edit: Ok, so I changed the photo once I was able to have a proper look at it. I don't know why I prefer this version, but I do.

Time for my favourite personal mondegreen (I am presuming I am the only person stupid enough to have mis-heard the lyrics). When I was a kid, I used to think the lyrics to I Love a Rainy Night by Eddie Rabbit went " I love a maniac."

Maybe that just says more about me than the song.

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