
By FloydOnFilm

There Was A Bit Of A Breeze

On the North East coast this morning.

A very enjoyable day with Mrs FOF revisiting old haunts of mine. Memories of hill starts on the North Shields Fish Quay Bank when learning to drive came flooding back.

The most vivid memory however was of Tynemouth Pier. I've hated it with a passion for over 45 years since it was part of the school cross country route. To this day I have never seen the point of running the full length of this particular structure only to turn round and run back again. I do not believe my quality of life would have suffered if I had just stayed at this end! There is a certain sadistic bastard former PE teacher (Yes I remember you Mr Robson) that I would have liked to have seen stuck in the middle of that pier today.

After such traumatic recollections the only thing to do was fill my face with an enormous portion of some of the best fish and chips I've tasted down on the fish quay.

A good end to a good day!

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