Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

The Return of Mimsy!!!

Last week when I read BeRelaxed's journal that her beloved Fyra had returned after a long absence, I felt both joy and sadness... joy that Fyra had survived another winter and sadness that I'd not seen any sign of Mimsy, my favorite chipmunk. Mimsy lived last summer in a rock wall on the front of our property, and she would make daily jaunts to the back yard and deck to cadge peanuts, taking them from my fingers with all the delicacy of a debutante. When the chipmunks came out of hibernation this spring, I kept looking for Mimsy, but had given up, assuming that she hadn't made it.

So imagine my joy when I went out back today and found a little chipmunk sitting on the patio wall, looking at me - I ventured closer and she stayed right where she was, rather than dashing off as the others do. I grabbed my camera and zoomed in on her head ...and instantly recognized her tell-tale notched right ear! It was Mimsy - no doubt at all. She snarfed some peanuts and ran through the garden, across the drive and out to the rock wall. A couple of minutes later, she was back, peering at me from the hostas and then off she dashed to check under the hose box for any treats. As for me ... I'm smiling from ear to ear.

In addition to hummers, warblers, catbirds and chipmunks, another sure sign of spring in northern NJ is the sight of the Ebony Jewelwing Damselflies one of our largest damsels. This one is a female, as indicated by the white spot on her wing and the duller coloration. Huh, and I just realized that I blipped the male Ebony Jewelwing on this day last year!

We are having thunderstorms and rain today, so my sorties outside are quick ones. Which is good because I have some paperwork that needs attention in my office ... sigh.

Thank you for your lovely comments and stars on yesterday's catbirds. They were in the cherry tree again today - couldn't see them, but I could hear their songs and mews and could see the branches and leaves moving as they scurried around collecting cherries. All's right with the world...

Debbi ... and Mimsy!

PS...okay, I'm head over heels for Mimsy. Here are a few more shots ...
Mimsy in her "mansion" in our rock wall
Mimsy standing guard over her mansion

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