
By bandparent


Sill not feeling very well, but I wanted to get one last photo before the weekend.

Good Friday...
The origins of Good Friday can be traced back to the time of Jesus Christ, a Jewish teacher and religious leader who lived in the first century AD. According to the New Testament of the Bible, Jesus was arrested and tried by the Roman authorities on charges of blasphemy and sedition. He was then sentenced to be crucified, a form of execution that involved nailing or binding the victim to a cross and leaving them to die.

The event of Jesus' death and burial is described in detail in the New Testament, and it is this event that is commemorated on Good Friday. In the centuries since Jesus' death, Good Friday has become an important day of observance for Christians worldwide. The day is often marked with fasting, prayer, and acts of charity. 

Ironically, it's also National Beer Day...(really)

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