
By SnaphappySally

Good Friday

Last night I was involved in the Maundy Thursday Eucharist and Tenebrae service;
This is a time when the church is dark, & 9 candles are lit . Then as each candle is extinguished a reading follows, accompanied by Taize chants and silence. It was a very moving time of reflection on the last supper and the betrayal by Judas. Made me think I must watch Jesus Christ Superstar again.

This morning I made the Simnel cake; R loves it and it’s become a tradition that I make one for him and he gets me an Easter egg, but I’m trying to drop a few pounds ( stone! ) before summer so I’ve said not to worry.
It has 11 marzipan balls on top to signify the 11 disciples after Judas left. It’s not GF so I won’t be tempted, he’s got 11 slices to look forward to!

This afternoon we had the Passion Eucharist with a spoken dialogue version of the gospel telling of Christ’s crucifixion. I had one line
Woman; ( to Peter) You are not one of his disciples are you?
And we all know what Peter replied…

This evening I’m off to martial arts briefly to receive my brown belt after a successful grading last week, but sneaking out early as we’re going to see Allelujah.

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