
By FlyingPRGal

Good Friday

Good Friday started with a visit to my friend Polly’s for a cuppa and to deliver a handmade Easter gift for her toddler. Our mutual friend Clare joined us which was lovely as she’s been caring for her mum 24/7 and rarely gets out.

For the Easter gift I used some Peter Rabbit patterned fabric, lined it with yellow felt, stuffed it with mini chocolate eggs, chicks and bunnies wrapped in foil and tied the fabric with yellow ribbon in two bunches at the top to look like ears. I should have put a cardboard template to hold the ears up so they were a bit floppy. I also forgot to sew the buttons on for eyes… but it didn’t matter as he loved his gift and was very excited to find a felt bunny holding a carrot hidden inside.

I’m going to have another attempt for my friend’s 6 year old and hopefully the ears will stand up! I’ll blip a photo if successful.

I popped to Faversham market for some spring flowers for mum this afternoon and brought a pot of daffodils and a pot of hyacinths. I arranged them in a basket (today’s photo).

Off to see my friend Steve’s Blackadder play this evening with my flying instructor. Looking forward to wine o clock and a good catch up in the interval.

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