Look who's here!

"One swallow doesn't make a summer." But two must suggest a spring! I've seen more of these arrivals today than I have of the Pugglesworths, who are visiting for Easter weekend. I've kept to my bed, partly because I still feel like death warmed up, but mostly because I don't want to pass on this lurgy. 

On Day Three of an agonising throat, it's finally dawning on me that this aspect of the cold is tonsillitis! According to the NHS website, I can expect it to last yet longer. Oh good! Meanwhile, the congestion stops me lying down, so I'm sleeping propped up as and when I can. AND I still have the neuralgia pains shooting through my head, though only spasmodically now. I'm so fed up. But at least the swallows gave me a moment's cheer. 

Sorry - am I whingeing again? 
I'll get my coat!

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