From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

My headlines? Hmmmm....

Well, as for headlines today, there aren't any. I was working from home and nothing happened. The usual starling and pigeon punch ups occurred but that was it. I managed to catch this fellow before lunch. Fortunately, the starlings seem to like wild berry suet cake so I'm trying to wean them off mealworms as I was going to have to go on the game to keep feeding them those things!

No headlining news but there are however, hairlines. I went to the hairdresser yesterday on the way home for the usual 6 week trim. Today, I discovered that my fringe is too short leaving me with a permanently surprised expression. This is a very unusual occurrence! Me being surprised is not an unusual event as I roll through life constantly delighting in all the unexpected little things that crop up as I trundle through each delightful day - if you believe that, you'll believe anything - but I always say to Jane (the hairdresser) 'Please cut it how it would look in two weeks time!' and 'I don't want to look like I have just been to the hairdresser!' I know, I know. I don't know why I bother either.

It was probably my fault actually as we were having such a laugh talking about this and that. She mentioned about how she can't stand seeing women who have brushed the front of their hair and then they turn around and they have clearly forgotten to do the back as if they'd been flattened up a wall. I said 'Ah! You mean 'Bed Head!' '
Jane hadn't heard that one before and we both ended up in hysterics eventually being given the evil eye from various stuck up customers and the snooty manager. We both felt like two naughty schoolgirls which is clearly not the case. I'm just not posh enough for Solihull, I often think. Anyway, we finished off quickly trying to keep quiet and dignified before I settled up and fled.

I'm working from home for the rest of this working week but I can do one of three things when I get to Ayr on Saturday :-

1. Stay indoors all week (not really an option).
2. Wear a burka so I can look like a post box with a little slit for me to see out of (quite appealing as that would hide a bad everything day).
3. Start talking in a very high pitched, excited voice so everything will match (This is the most likely option although I have visions of being chased up the road by every doggie in Ayr).

Oh well....

Track? How's this from Deep Purple? - Strange Kind of Woman

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