Talking Dogs

A few weeks ago, I mentioned that Bertie had been to Talking Dogs Rally and there was a lot of puzzlement amongst those of you who commented on my blip that day. Today Bertie and I had a second session so I took the opportunity to photograph the course laid out in the village hall in order to explain what it involves. Each of the cards gives an instruction which should be followed by the owner and dog. At our stage, Bertie walks on a loose lead, responding to my commands as I try to get him to carry out the instruction. The instructions include sit, down (lie down), circle, weave (a short slalom around cones), stay (while I walk some distance away) then call Bertie to come to me. It was good fun and Bertie did well this week as it was more familiar to him.
This evening six of us had planned to get together for a catch up over a take-away fish supper from the nearby Bellachroy Inn but sadly there were only five of us as J had come down with a nasty cold and she didn’t want to pass it on. We really missed her company. However, it will be a good excuse to repeat the gathering with the full company sometime soon.

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