The Ultimate Sandwich ?

This is not an emergency blip. I'm trying to embrace more of the roots of blipfoto and do a bit of saving of some of the more memorable slices of my daily life. My lunchtime sandwich has become the highlight of the day and fully deserves some blip limelight. It's the result of fine teamwork between Lisa (creative mastermind) and Jez (master baker) of Creative Breads, both of them wonderfully enthusiastic and passionate about the food they serve.

This is, quite literally, the best sandwich I've ever tasted. It's the "Goats cheese, beetroot and crispy butternut squash with pesto, vegetable crisps, honeyed walnuts and green salad". Every element works with every other in perfect combination, both through taste and texture. It's a masterpiece of a sandwich. It's not possible to patent a sandwich but apparently the name of a sandwich can be. This sandwich deserves a great name but I've not been very successful in coming up with something catchy. Any of you great wordsmiths out there care to offer something up. And are there any other great sandwiches out there? They do requests at Creative Breads. I could try my luck.

I dare not have this amazing sandwich every day for fear of spoiling the pleasure. Yesterday I had to put up with the "Crispy salmon katsu with horseradish mayo, shredded salad and tonkatsu sauce". The day before it was the "Onion and beetroot bhaji with coriander, yogurt, green pepper salad, spiced potato and mango chutney". It sure helps fuel me through these long days at the office, especially when I'm cycling.

I'm very aware that I'm taking a lot from the community at the moment and not giving very much back. There have been many really thoughtful comments made to which I'm really keen to respond but I first have to attend to some correspondence and then write a document for a meeting tomorrow morning. Anyone know anything about cloning. Hopefully I can find a little bit of time tonight.

I should probably have taken a picture of my sandwich before I took a few big bites out of it, but I was too hungry to wait!!

And thanks Lisa and Jez. I'm not sure how I'd get through the day without you right now.

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