Easter Nativity

Began the day by going to church which today was a service with plenty of music and only a couple of brief but poignant talks. We had a wonderful song by the primary children, supported by the young women and the choir did a super arrangement of I Stand All Amazed.

We stayed for the Spanish Branch as Kent played for them today and they had only one speaker and then 8 hymns with Easter themes for the whole congregation to sing.

It was a great way to start the day. ;-)

We weren’t home long and we did FaceTime with the kids in Utah and the 4 boys read scripture to us to remind us all the real meaning of Easter. Then they were allowed to open the Easter bags we sent them with crackers, jellybeans & chocolate eggs.

Kent & I had just finished our late lunch, when our backyard neighbour, Felicity, stopped by to give me a card that she had made me for Easter. ;-)

We watched some of The Chosen to round out our day. It’s been a wonderful Easter Sunday.

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