Today's 'Event'

Had a very wonderful chat with my artist friend Diana Sanford...she's been an artist way longer than me, teaches and is just so amazing at helping me figure things out in this crazy world of painting!  We talked about other things but the main topic was painting and our various ways of being with our paintings.   I was describing my present challenge.....finishing a painting and how i feel like i get 'stuck' when i near the end...when i know that the movements i make now and onwards are different from when i started the painting or even when i was half way thro.   All a bit too complex to write out here....but one of the things that resonated with me so much was when she told me about a sign she has in her studio......No Fixing, No Finishing....Only an Event!!!   I love this!  What became very clear to me during our conversation was that i rarely give myself over to the more contemplative aspect of the painting process as it nears completion!  I am now aware of just what i need to do when i'm at that point.  I have heard this from other artists....the sitting and looking.....and more sitting, standing, moving back and forth....and looking!   I am basically a fast moving, impatient person....but i had to remind myself that i can and do sit quietly and contemplate and that is what i will consider for the next few weeks as i approach a painting!!

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