Emergency Charlie Blip!

What a day :(

At team meeting this afternoon it was announced they are restructuring our small team of 4 (but this doesn't include our two managers) (for the 2nd time in two years :(:( ) and we will both have to reapply for our jobs - which will be at a higher level with more responsibilities - BUT - we would have to be doing a qualification :(:(

Its alright for my colleague - just about to go off on maternity leave - but already studying for a qualification :(

At my age I really don't want to start studying in the evenings after a busy full days work, I've had enough of that in the past.... so I'm dreading all this!  

The consultation starts now and ends on May11th, then they will interview.  In the meantime we still have to work in the incredibly busy department and not discuss it with anyone else outside of the department.  I don't care - I've put it on my FB page...

I have already contacted a couple of agencies I used to work for to see what I can do - I hope to go back to contract work possibly.,....

The big advantage is that I'm closer to Reading and its very easy to get to the centre on the bus depending where it is etc....

I am absolutely gutted that they are doing this to me again :(  I'm disgusted actually.  I will be speaking to my union rep about it.

If it wasn't for our ***** governments, I would be retired by now, but as I can't afford to retire early and have another 4-6 years to go, I have to find another job!!

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