
By brambleblossom

Order Restored

A day of two halves , bright and sunny this morning which made it pleasurable to be across on the  pen. We are bit by bit finding flowers that will grow in our personal microclimate and provide nectar for the pollinators. I can already see that the airspace is busier with our tiny airborne friends.
I spent ages online yesterday discovering how to grow root ginger , today I put the rhizomes in to soak and I feel that I have more idea about what to do. 

Early afternoon brought a complete turnaround in the weather, cold rain with the wind picking up. 
Bramble had her short walk this morning as the plan was to take her on a longer one later in the day, she poked her nose out into the cold, wet air and refused to take another step. I can’t relax if she hasn’t had decent walk but I think its unlikely that I will persuade her to go out .

We had a “senior moment,” of sorts this afternoon . Friends had told us that the chain of shops known to us as “Iceland,” were giving a 10% discount to shoppers over 60 on Tuesdays. We thought we would investigate and gathered our proof [ in the hope that we might be questioned as to whether we were sufficiently elderly}. I checked online to make certain that we had all the information we would need and round the store we trotted with our freezer bag in hand, positively skipping at the thought of all the bargains. However, when we got to the till and showed our proof of age we were informed that we needed to have a bonus card too ! NOWHERE on the several sites I checked out did it mention a bonus card. There was a sign in the window but who reads posters in shop windows before going into a store. I suggested [ nicely] that there was a mismatch in information which maybe someone at head office should be made aware of. The manager eventually said he would inform head office but he had to be persuaded and that’s the bit that I found most frustrating. It wasn’t big deal but it feels important that someone , i.e the manager should take responsibility for communicating with the next level in order to improve the service. I just think we all ought to practice speaking up and speaking out so that when something serious happens it doesn’t feel so overwhelming to say ones piece. I’m working at being braver as I really dislike any form of confrontation and will always avoid it if possible.
Anyway I left the store feeling more senior than when I arrived !

As I write my phone has pinged and Paul the welder has messaged to say that he will be taking Ruby the MH in for her MOT tomorrow. We have been so very grateful for finding someone to take the job on . My other grateful thought today is for the gift of the land opposite our house where we get to be creative. As you can see from my blip , order has been restored. 

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