The second half of life..

By twigs


I often say of the West Coast that there are two too many s's in its name.  Today reinforced this.

Woke to a stillness and quietness that told me that the storm had gone.  A walk along the lakeshore brought on a few light drops of drizzle but nothing to worry about - unlike the extras fish who had plenty to worry about!  Easy decision to set off and head for Greymouth.

The drive has to be one of my favourite drives though the low cloud and constant threat of rain didn't show it at its best today.  By the time I reached Arthur's Pass Village the rain had set in, though fortunately, no wind.  On then towards my White Knuckle drive across the viaduct, all completed (obviously!) with none of my fears being realised.  It was along the next stretch, just before Otira (extra), that I spotted this treasure!  To be honest, I think it's overpriced ;)

Now in Greymouth where it's still raining.  I'm staying at a spot called Blaketown Tip Head which is right alongside the infamous Greymouth Bar, renown for being one of the most dangerous harbour entrances in the country.  The bar was brought to my attention by a friend of rainie's who I met at the weekend.  One of her want-to-sees is this bar being navigated by fishing vessels. Fortunately, no boats were attempting the entrance/exit today.  Even in todays 'mild' seas though, the clash of incoming tide and outflowing river through the narrow entrance it was clear why this has to be navigated with extreme caution.  If you tend towards suffering from seasickness, best not check out the video!!

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