Pictorial blethers

By blethers

Still here ...

Woke this morning to the realisation that despite all that pruning and and signs of Spring I maybe shouldn't have changed the warm duvet cover ...for today was so cold! The photo above was taken at teatime, showing that though there was a slightly higher snowline than there had been this morning, there was still plenty of white left on anything remotely high. Camera buffs might be interested in the fact that for once I didn't rely just on my phone, but instead hung out of that bedroom window with the Lumix - that Leica lens really does the business when it comes to clarity.

I was actually up and ready to rock at normal working time this morning - I was doing some proof-reading for my son's business and needed to join a short Zoom session to make sure I knew what the paper was aiming to do. This took me up to midday, when in a burst of efficiency I booked plane tickets to Gatwick and a night in a hotel to get us on our next foreign holiday. I'm shocked at the shortage of BA flights to and from Glasgow these days - unless we were happy to go really early or too late for comfort there was nothing. I'm also appalled at how much it adds to the cost of a holiday to have to start from London; I'd rather be routed somewhere through the likes of  Amsterdam with a proper connection instead of putting up with this second-class citizen stuff.

Having spent the whole morning at the computer I needed to get out for a walk, so we assessed where the sky looked lightest and took ourselves down to Toward for a walk round by the lighthouse. Arran's snowy tops looked their usual dramatic selves, the gorse was blazing on the foreshore, the wild garlic is coming into flower. There was even an old MacBrayne's bus parked in a front garden. I shall make a wee collage and add it ... 

The day ended with Compline online and the news that another friend has lost his partner. Too many deaths this winter. May he rest in peace and rise in glory.

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