Double Trouble

By HannahSpanner


Beyond glad it's Friday and we have a three day weekend. It's been a long old week.

Well after my moaning/worrying about the boys being pretty quite in utero yesterday they have made up for it today (seems to be wiggling as we blip) and lefty decided to head butt my left handside in a bid for freedom! And both are now firmly over my bladder (I've lost count of the toilet breaks)
I was a good girl and rang the midwife who's phone was off I never manage to catch her when she's working, so rang labour ward and spoke to a midwife there who told me not too worry they are still small at this stage making movements difficult to pick up and also their position might mean they are facing the wrong way for me to feel them!

Yoga last night was great really relaxing and think it'll do me good. Swimming next week as well hopefully.

Car shopping again tomorrow I'm going to miss my mini so much!

Have a Good Friday everyone roll on 3 o'clock

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