Prentis y hetydd

Prentis y hetydd ~ The milliner's apprentice

“But his head no longer sheltered ideas of how things could be and should be on the planet, as opposed to how they really were. There was only one way for the Earth to be, he thought: the way it was.”
― Kurt Vonnegut

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Roedden ni'n teimlo'n tipyn bach well heddiw. Gwnes i helpu Nor'dzin gyda gwneud rhai o hetiau Bwdist - mae hetiau gyda ni am bob achlysur. Gwnes i'r gwaith syml - yn torri patrymau, tra gwnaeth Nor'dzin y gwaith cymhleth - gweithio gyda brocêd. Dydy'r hetiau ddim yn gorffen eto, ond rydyn ni wedi gwneud cynnydd.

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We felt a little bit better today. I helped Nor'dzin make some Buddhist hats - we have hats for every occasion. I did the simple work - cutting patterns, while Nor'dzin did the complex work - working with brocade. The hats aren't finished yet, but we've made progress.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Torri brocêd i wneud hetiau
Description (English): Cutting brocade to make hats

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