
The other day while we were walking on the beach at Englishtown, i picked up a few pieces of seaweed.....this piece just blow me away :)   My plan was to use it to make silicone stamps (long process!) which would ultimately result in loosing this beautiful piece!   So i won't use it, i'll keep it on my windowsill and next time we go to the beach i'll get more!!!

It's always so surprising what happens in the painting studio......see extras for 2 of today's 'events' .... they are still in process.....but i'm loving them (right now that is!!!) and they weren't a struggle...go figure!  i sure can't figure out why some days in there it's like pulling teeth and other days....things just flow!

Off up to Sydney to have dinner out....we're actually trying a new place....not easy we'll see!

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