Ann and Alistair

Ann and I have been friends coming up for 45 years since we met on the eve of Freshers Week at Edinburgh University in 1978 when we were both about to embark on the study of law…the law school now headed up by fellow blipper Arclight!

The actual first meeting was in the Junior Common Room of Grant House, Pollock Halls of Residence at a welcome event for new resident students hosted by none other then our very own Lady Findhorn who was the house warden at the time! Little did Ann and I know what lay ahead of us in terms of enduring friendship, nor did Lady Findhorn and I know about our own enduring friendship which would take a further 32 years to kindle through blipland!

Here we are reunited in our beloved (new) Frankfurter Bar in Barcelona which has a special place in their hearts, just like our own!

Ann sits on the Scottish Highland Region Health Board and Alistair is Chairman of the Highlands and Island Development Board, having earned his CBE (and attendance at the late Queen’s funeral) as Chief Executive of Highland Region for many years.

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