Azaleas on the terrace

My chili has just gone onto the stove and will be ready before I go to bed tonight.  I had to cancel my appointment with Natalie because I've been feeling so weak for the past two days (including today) so she will be coming on Monday afternoon.  The promised official building inspection is now supposed to be on Wednesday or Thursday of next week, so it's good timing that Natalie could fit me into her schedule.

I saw a podiatrist this morning about whether an orthotic might help with my balance issues.  He looked at nothing but my feet - didn't watch me walk, which I would have thought essential - and passed me on to a technician who made orthotics , put them in my shoes and told me I could call him if they didn't work out.  The whole experience was disappointing - I felt as if all I was was a pair of feet, not a person.  I don't know if the orthotics will help.

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