
By SilverImages

Cwmyoy Church

“Develop an interest in life as you see it; the people, things, literature, music - the world is so rich, simply throbbing with rich treasures, beautiful souls and interesting people. Forget yourself.”
Henry Miller
Birthday treat number three, a whole day out indulging in photography and going ‘Walkabout’ with BobsBlips and his taxi service, brilliant.
Started the day, as all best days, with a full cooked breakfast at a local café with a catch up on the last few months since we’d been out in search of snaps. Plenty to talk about so it was gone 11am by the time we arrived at Garway for a wander around the Templar Church. Something of a surprise to me, although it probably shouldn’t have been, that the Templars were in this part of the world. We were met at the entrance gate by a couple of fellow travellers (just leaving) who’d also been to the church to experience its’ unique atmosphere. Had a fascinating conversation with them about history and the Templars. Then they left us to explore, and time for a short meditation for me after grabbing several interior shots. Next on Bobs list was Cwmyoy, after a sightseeing tour through the countryside which in this weather was really atmospheric. It was only when we drove past Pandy that I realised this was an area I’d earmarked for exploring last January when I’d walked up to Twyn y Gaer hillfort, with a view across the valley to wonky Cwmyoy Church. Up close it’s a photo delight, not a straight line or right angle in sight, with buttresses supporting the walls and tower, like something out of Lord of the Rings. Perfect way to end the day’s photography and back to Bob’s for tea and round-up chat. K1 had a curry ready when I got home to round off a great day out – oh, did I mention it did rain and it was cloudy and overcast all day.

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