
We went along to comic con this morning to see how good it was. Oh man it was heaving.  The three big wildlings chose a small toy. I would have said no too them but Mr R said yes. And the price was shocking.  

I went outside after 20 minutes with the jedi as it was way too busy for him and I could see he was going to start struggling if we stayed any longer.  
He doesn't really chat to many human beings but I've found that if someone is dressed up then he will have a conversation with them in his way. 

A early blip for me as I have my glad rags on and I'm heading out. The big ones are excited because they get to have macdonalds for dinner. Carson keeps calling me " miss Rain " . No idea who he's talking about,  but I'm wearing a dress so he's associating me with someone else. 

Catch up with you tomorrow:) 

Oh I repotted 16 sunflower plants today. Keep your fingers crossed,  I'm the kind of person that could kill a cactus.  Hehe 

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