Let Me Out!

This little beauty flew in and tried to get out the window. Before we let it out, tried to get a photo, but it was desperate, and I felt sorry for it. Put  a clearer one in extra to help in identification, please!

Heard that George Verwer died yesterday. I went on two OM teams, the first when I was only fifteen. Such an influence on me, especially when it came to how exciting prayer could be, and how important it was to read good books. Many years later, he was a guest at our son's student house in Leeds, and made quite an impression. An irrepressible, unique, incredible human being, utterly committed to Jesus. (Wouldn't have liked to be his wife, though!)

- very special support group supporting us
- Julia, Tom, and Eden having such a great time in Fortaleza
- Ermelinda and Cecílio coming any minute for tea....

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