The 'Oostzijdse Molen', Abcoude

'Oostzijdse' = 'Owst-zide-suh'.  In short, the mill on the eastern side of the Gein tributary.
'Abcoude' = 'Ap-cow-duh' or 'Ab-cow-duh', but usually the first when speaking at a normal speed.

It is a little difficult to approach this mill, which was built in 1874.  The dike is not much wider than a single carriageway except for some parts that have been widened to allow vehicles to pass each other.  Too much to the side and one could fall into the water.  What can also be a problem is that this mill almost never faces the road, so a frontal shot isn't normally possible.  I was already fortunate that I could shoot it decently from the side.  There was thankfully some space to park right beside it -- you can see Teqla getting bored waiting for me.

Seriously thought of going tulip-hunting today, but there is more often than not a problem with the tulip fields -- they aren't always where they were the year before or even the year before that.  I have often ended up driving around for several kilometers before finding even only a single field, and that doesn't even happen every trip.  Windmills, on the other hand, do not move (am I making sense here?), so if one knows where they are located, there is no unnecessary driving around.  I could go out tomorrow and look for the flowers, but there is another good excuse why I will most likely not be doing that -- correction work.

Indeed, the second assignment was due midnight yesterday, and I want the marks in by Tuesday, all 80 of them.  No working tonight, though.  Mañana.

Having hunted earlier in the day, spent the rest of the afternoon clearing the laundry room some more, as I'd started on it yesterday.  There's a new load drying.  Pleased that job is in the process of getting done -- the room and not the wash.  It was long due.  Covered a couple of books that had come in the mail last week, not at the same time.

Two weeks ago, I was notified by my favourite online bookstore that they are closing on 26 April, so I reviewed my Wishlist and placed my final order for six books, three of which are on history -- the Habsburgs, Ancient Rome, and the barbarians that brought that empire down.  What has arrived so far are two motivational books, by Matt Haig and James Clear, plus the Habsburgs.

In the late afternoon, the sunlight poured into our living room, casting a golden glow on everything.  It was such a calm and peaceful sight.  Echoing Claire Fraser, I hugged AW and said 'I love our life here.'

Thank you for dropping by!  A good weekend to you!

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