Scurvygrass & pinks

Well, he's gone - an early morning departure for Cork airport which was in dense fog apparently. Not quite such an early start was strictly necessary when he looked at his ticket - an extra 45 minutes to spare but it gave him time for a bit of people watching and a pain o chocolat. Lovely, chilled few days.

It's 15c here apparently, horrible damp and humid but feels much chillier. Fire lit. I did go for a quick yomp around the circuit and admired the profusion of scurvygrass festooning someone's grass. According to Culpepper, scurvygrass :
is of singular good effect to cleanse the blood, liver and spleen, taking the juice in the Spring every morning fasting in a cup of drinkThe juice also helps all foul ulcers and sores in the mouth, gargled therewith; and used outwardly, cleanses the skin from spots, marks, or scars that happen therein'.
It was once taken on long voyages to help sailors prevent scurvy and is full of vitamin C. Very pretty too when examined close up. 

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