
Off to Sainsbury’s to do P’s shopping then round to unpack it all and go over the attendance allowance form with him. He was fine today….no snarky comments or accusations and quite chirpy. We got the form done (having said yesterday it was full of mistakes he had no recollection of that and said it was all fine!) then I made him some tea and left him with the Sunday paper to read.
Met up with T at a pub by the river Ouse and we had a drink and some lunch, then went to browse some garden centres. We didn’t find the trough that he’d been looking for, but bought the two geraniums at the front here…one very strongly smelling of lemon, the other, bizarrely, of cola!….and the two-coloured huechera, and came home to plant them in the garden.
T had a snooze and I browsed for a new iPad cover and bed rail storage pocket for P then hung out the washing and made a spiced roast chicken for dinner to go with the M&S version of the 8 hour Dishoom black dahl that I’d bought yesterday. It was all delicious…would definitely buy that dahl again!
We had a quiet evening, ready for my drive home tomorrow.

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