Business As Unusual

On This Day In History
1960: Eddie Cochran dies and Gene Vincent is injured in a car crash in the U.K.

Quote Of The Day
" ..... all around it would have to be Eddie Cochran, because it wasn't just music with him; it was his guitar playing, his look, his singing. I'd say that all things considered, he's probably my favourite 'cat' of all time."
(Brian Setzer)

Yes, Eddie is a real cool cat, I agree. But these are my second favourite cats. I purchased and listened to their fifteenth studio album, Momento Mori, yesterday. It's a return to form after the somewhat disappointing Spirit. They thankfully avoid the mistake of doing politics, a very hit-and-miss undertaking with them, and return to larger, universal and spiritual themes. Despite a focus on death, it is a life-affirming album that not so much celebrates mortality as makes peace with it. The single, Ghosts Again, is a bright, poppy tune that hearkens back to their beginnings with Vince Clarke, with lyrics by men wise from age. 

Andrew Fletcher must be happy. R.I.P.

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