
STRAVA DAY 680- Walk photos

STRAVA DAY 680- Indoor yoga no filter photos and video

Featured photo is one of the self-timed ones from yesterday's yoga at home. In the extras is B with Angelica of Concept A (one of the photo/video teams he works with) before they left to shoot a wedding in one of the nearby towns. 

Yesterday, am grateful that was able to start learning how to small talk.  In the past, whenever I see people I know (former highschool or College classmates), I do my best to hide by going in a different direction or pretending I did not see them. 
Also grateful that was able to spend off screen time with T. He got a merit award from the last Math-Tinic Vedic Mathematics National Challenge he joined. Gramps treated him to Jollibee lunch and dinner of his choice. 

Meanwhile, we (B and I), got him his Pokemon gems, his ______ and his ________. B told me not to list things however sometimes it feels good to see how you have contributed to your child's joy even if it's just through small things and not-too-costly new experiences.
Title is Italian for "surrender." 
Italy whenever portrayed in Netflix series/shows is enticing but am content in our own Shangri-La. 
Have a good one! 


Derelict Sunday photo 1- Flickr
Derelict Sunday photo 2- Flickr
Derelict Sunday photo 3- Flickr
Derelict Sunday photo 4-Flickr

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