
Rose early and was out walking the hound before 8am.
We saw a grey poodle the owner if whom asked if Kyro was friendly whereupon both poodle and Kyro started barking at each other.  Took Kyro away and he calmed down.  I had felt on first seeing the poodle that this wasn't going to be a friendly encounter.

Walked on and saw a black and white greyhound.  It was nervous his owner informed and Kyro sensing started barking.  I quietened him and the owner and I discussed the ups and downs of greyhound behaviour from opposite sides of the street.  Both dogs remained calm while we were talking.
Mid-morning headed to Sainsbury's and  market for groceries.  Having space in bicycle panniers went to buy shoes.  My current walking pair are coming to bits. Bought a pair with a 20% discount.

Also visited Seasalt to check out light raincoats.  Saw just what I wanted but worth no more pannier space will visit another day particularly as there is a 40% discount.  

Afternoon dog walk Kyro encountered whippet Milo. They both adore each other.  Then Kyro spotted a cat and misbehaved - rearing up, screaming, pulling.  Almost as if he was showing off.  He couldn't have got it more wrong.  Neither Milo or owner were impressed. 
Back to the basics once more with the training. Maybe need my whistle too.

He seems to know he was naughty and has behaved since.  Tomorrow is a fresh day.

Pleasant evening everyone.

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