Getting Sorted.....!!

You may remember a while back I said I might get a ‘craft room’ of sorts...!!
Well it’s on its way to being sorted is our single bed room and had been jammed with much ‘stuff’ including use as hubbys office but since the ‘lodgers’ bought their own house and moved ...he is now upstairs ...the ‘stuff’ has been cleared out...and I have Space....!!
This is an IKEA Kallax unit we bought on Facebooks Marketplace (a marvelous place to shop)!! And today we made a trip to an IKEA click & collect place as I bought the boxes the way, I’m sure anyone who shops in IKEA knows to have an IKEA family Card...the savings are amazing..!!
Back the weather was so good yesterday I ‘lost the run of myself’ in the garden and forgot to Blip...
My energy was good ...wondering if my supplements & meds combination might be helping..!

17th quote...

It Takes Courage To Choose To Change.....

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