
By sas05

sssshh..its all quiet

22.22 pm....waiting on ali getting back from a bodyshop party ..had a popcorn and dvd nite in with the girls tonite, their tucked up in bed sparko..ive not had the tele on once.. i consider myself weaned off tele completely,, ive found many new fixes to fill its hole.. lets face it , its not a huge hole to fill..think the best thing on TV is Will i am ..the worse is the daily diet of bad news..cant think of any way to put it...why they should keep those two "humans" alive in jail at the tax payers expense for their crime defies reason.. wish the armed police were a better shot..i know i know its political territory to go into ,,but what sort of world will our kids take over..when do adults loose common sense that kids are taught ..

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