Life through the lens...

By ValC

Uniped resting.

Standing on one leg, this heron is doing what herons often do.
The theory is that they stand on one leg to conserve body heat. Certainly has better balance than me.

After a checkup at the dentist ( all fine, just a clean ) we went over to RSPB Fairburn Ings.
It was still cool and cloudy, however once the sun broke through it warmed up to 18C.
Very quiet and peaceful. Not a lot to see today.
Great crested grebes, moorhens, coots, tufted ducks, and cormorants. No sign of the kingfisher but lovely to see this heron land nearby. Although we saw lots of fish jumping we didn’t see it catch a fish. Did provide me with a good blip though.

Now back home and a beautiful evening, but my that wind coming from the north east is cold!

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