Brimstone on Honesty

So thrilled to see this Brimstone Butterfly (Gonepteryx rhamni) in our garden, having seen lots flying in the distance. The brighter yellow are males, and this one was a lot brighter in the flesh. I thought casting a shadow on him might have revealed his colour better, but then he might have taken fright and flown away. 

Soon after, more butterflies arrived. But looking through the window into the bright sunshine was enough to trigger a migraine zigzag aura, which despite a Migraleve tablet and paracetamol, turned into a headache. Isn't it enough that it still hurts to swallow and other cold symptoms rage on in Week 3 of this lurgy? Can't I even enjoy a little sunshine?! Grrr. I could whinge for England! 

My daughter is a few days ahead of me, and she still has symptoms, too, though not quite as bad. It's the longest I've ever gone without seeing the Young Master since he was born (he's recovered now) and I'm missing seeing little Miss B, too. This has to be the worst cold I've ever had - certainly the longest lasting. Sorry, I might've already mentioned I'm under the weather (!) But another migraine - the fourth while I've had this cold - is just the icing on the cake (which I haven't made as I've been lying down in a darkened room).

Bottom line: I'm still pleased to have a photo of the Brimstone, and to have glimpsed other colourful flyers - probably Red Admirals and/or Tortoiseshells. Or Peacocks. Poor old Mr PP has gone shopping on his own. He delayed going as he was worried about leaving me - I'm very lucky to be loved and cared for. Back to counting blessings.

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