Stand off ...

between a male Bullfinch and a Robin. One of the advantages of the work being done in the glen is that we are seeing additional species of birds at the bird feeders.  Well I think that is the reason.  We now have  resident male and female Bullfinches who have been visiting the garden over the past week; also Chaffinch and a bird that I can't find in my bird book. This Bullfinch and Robin chased each other around the two feeding holes before settling one on either side. The downside is the quality of the shot - for two reasons. We have a new window cleaner who is using some sort of special water that comes from his van via a VERY long hose, but whatever is in the water is leaving a film on the glass and some droplets of water too.  As a result my blips are not sharp; in addition it is extremely windy and trees and birds and feeders are swinging about and although I'm using a "moving subjects" button on the camera, the shots are a bit blurry.  The unknown bird in the extra maybe a female Bullfinch 

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