
I’m a member, on the committee and a trustee of this bowling club. We have a green ranger who looks after our most important asset: the playing surface. Having a full time job as well he’s struggled to get things ready for the beginning of the playing season. The planned opening was missed. He clearly wasn’t going to make progress with it and it looked likely we wouldn’t open until well into May. The honorary secretary shared the issue and having had previous experience of grass cutting (here and elsewhere - the Head Gardener knows I can do this) I committed to getting things ready for as long as it would take. There was a weather window, last Saturday onwards until this Saturday when the green will open with a coffee morning, open day for prospective new members and the Armstrong trophy played on the first playing day of the year. As you can see we are almost there. One more day tomorrow. The bald patches are a result of things being done at the wrong time. It will recover. There is great satisfaction getting things ready for others (and Fiona and I) to enjoy. 

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