Infra-Red Effects

I have spent a ridiculous amount of time learning to process IR files.  My converted camera  needed a profile building and then adding to Photoshop (I needed extra help with that) before getting to any sort of actual processing, and finding said profile to add to the raw file was another challenge!  At this point I am not sure that it's worth the effort but I'll go further along the 'road' as it it does have some interesting potential.  Jonathan Vaines is leading this group through the RPS  and he is doing his very best to herd the cats through the various hurdles!!  

Pepper needed a walk this afternoon so I went to another local graveyard with the IR camera.  There is a vast potential in the visual effects that can be achieved and, at the moment, I am just 'playing' with various sliders.

John is away for a few days heading for Scotland where he will be walking up a few 'hills'!  I'll stick to local dog walks and the camera.

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