Roses (and Luna)

Today turned out unexpectedly busy.  I contacted my Heart Failure nurse in Worcester following a little episode yesterday evening.  She asked me to contact my pacemaker carers so I rang Warwick Hospital.   After a lot of faffing around with my remote reader, it kept coming up with an error whilst reading the pacemaker, they asked me to come in for an on--site appointment,  "we don't have any free slots but we'll squeeze you in".  So a drive out to Warwick.  I had a check, there was a sharp intake of breath and a request to wait whilst the techie contacted the cardiology department. So a Cardiology Consultant and a Heart Nurse came to see me and advised I had a heart VT on top of my AF.  They talked to Ann and I and recommended a slight change to my medicines, with a promise of a two month follow-up.  I was connected to the machine again and the pacemaker programming was amended to allow for VT issues.  I have nothing but praise for our NHS, I could have been waiting for weeks to obtain some treatment,  instead it took a day of cooperation to leave me in a stable state health-wise.  As for the remote monitor, a new one has been ordered by the technician to be delivered to my home.

On return to Worcester we dropped in on Emma and Rafferty for a play before bath and bedtime.   

The picture is of two of the lovely roses in a bunch Sam gave Ann a few days back.  In the extras is a pic of Luna watching the rain through the French windows.  Thanks to BikerBear for hosting today's Flower Friday. 

AF - Atrial fibrillation 
VT - Ventricular tachycardia 

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